5/8/24 What does “keep” mean? (ketamine) The Tower XVI
5/24/24 What needs to be tended to? Defeat 5 Swords
6/14/24 Show me what I need to know Prince of Swords Prince Swords
6/21/24 Need to be & do to love myself? Ruin 10 Swords
7/7/24 Need to keep moving forward? Success 6 Disks
7/19/24 What is here assisting me? The Universe XXI
8/2/24 What’s holding back creativity? Indolence 8 Cups
8/16/24 How can I tell when being guided? The Lovers XI
9/3/24 Know to follow through w’ creativity? Love 2 Cups
9/13/24 Need to stay forward w’ transition? Fortune X
9/27/24 About the state I’m in? Interference 8 Swords
10/11/24 Know about moving forward? The Chariot 7 Trumps
10/28/24 Tell me what I need to know The Hierophant V
11/15/25 Tell me what I need to know Change 2 Disks
11/29/24 Tell me what I need to know The Hanged Man XII
12/13/24 Tell me what I need to know The Devil XV
1/10/25 Tell me what I need to know The Empress III
1//25 Tell me what I need to know

Become aware of what is within you,
Announce it, pronounce it, produce it,
and give birth to it.
Meister Elkhart

Greetings everyone,

We want you to have the question that we will begin with this Sunday so that you will have time to work with it and maybe come up with more of your own questions in the process.

A few pointers to remember:

  • Call in your guides and trust that they wish for your highest good above all else.
  • Trust yourself.
  • Certainly consult the guide books for information but before you do take a few minutes to study the card.
  • Ask what it has to say to you and why did you get it.
  • Keep a journal and write your insights, information and questions that might arise.

Here’s the question:

What focus would Spirit like me to take as I begin this inquiry work. Hopefully this initial question will give you a foundation for further investigation.

The Minor Arcana deals with the day-to-day aspects of our lives. While a Major Arcana card may speak to a long-term theme or pivotal point in your life, a Minor Arcana card is more likely to speak to you about what you are going through in the short term.

The Minor Arcana is split into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit contains ten chronologically numbered cards and four court cards. Each suit has a specific thematic journey, and the numbers of the cards are associated with specific meanings. Even if you don’t know what a card is intended to mean, you can figure it out by combining the themes of the suit, the number or court position, and what is happening in the illustration.

Suit of Wands

The suit of Wands (drawn here as sticks, pencils, arrows, paint brushes, etc.) is associated with fire and deals with passion, desire, activism, and ideas. If this suit were personified, it would be the muse: full of potential, inspiring ideas, and moments of creative epiphany. This is the suit of the spirit, primal energy, and the essential self. The Wands tell us about our personalities, our driving forces, and what is best for us.

Suit of Cups

The suit of Cups is associated with water, relationships, and connection. Cups are romantic and vibrant. They deal with the full range of emotion—the good and the bad, the intentional and the chaotic. Cups focus on intuition over logic: they suggest that you are, or that you should be, making decisions with your heart over your head.

Suit of Swords

The suit of Swords is associated with air and the mind. This suit is driven by thought, and deals with decision-making, intellectual pursuits, planning, and analyzing. The individual swords on these cards can be seen as glyphs for thoughts: powerful tools when wielded properly, but too many thoughts can overwhelm or drive you to conflict. So, pay attention to the position of the swords on the card—this reveals how thoughts are interacting and affecting the character.

Suit of Pentacles

The suit of Pentacles (drawn here as coins) is associated with earth, and covers the material aspects of life: career, money, and possessions. This suit talks about our bodies, and all the joy and hard work that comes with physicality. I think of Pentacles as depicting the results of the other suits. In other words, emotion (Cups), thought (Swords), and spirit (Wands) bring about the physical manifestations of reality that we see in the Pentacles. Of course, this suit isn’t just about consequences, as everything is part of a connected cycle; the material aspects of life affect our mental, creative, and emotional lives, too.

Numbered Cards

Numbered cards are cards one through ten in the four suits of the Minor Arcana. Each number has a numerological meaning. So, the meaning of the card as a whole results from the intersection of the suit’s themes and the numerological significance of the individual card.

1 – (Aces) Beginnings, potential, opportunity. The core energy of the suit.

2 – Duality and dichotomy. Twos show how things come together, urging us to find balance.

3 – Threes are about interaction, communication with others, and community.

4 – Fours indicate (or suggest) a period of rest, structure, and stability.

5 – Fives are about adversity, change, and conflict. These cards are obstacles.

6 – Sixes are about growth: sometimes painful and sometimes joyful.

7 – Sevens are about reflecting on your situation. They often involve conflict.

8 – Eights are about getting where you need to go and taking a realistic look at your trajectory.

9 – Nines are about fruition. You are maturing, though the result may or may not be what you want.

10 – Tens are the completion of a cycle: the outcome, rewards, and consequences.

Court Cards

Court cards depict individuals, each embodying the energy of their suit from a slightly different aspect or at a different stage of development. Many readers see court cards as signifiers either for the subject or for other people in the subject’s life, like characters in the story of the reading.

Pages: Pages represent youth, students, and the beginnings of things. Pages are at the start of their journey through the suit, and they are very enthusiastic about it. Though they are not masters of what their suit has to teach them, they are committed to figuring it out.

Knights: Knights are about action! More worldly than Pages, Knights still don’t have a lifetime of experience, and tend to be a bit extreme or impulsive.

Queens: Queens represent the internal ideals of their suit. In the highly gendered language of tarot, the feminine is introspective, gentle, and caring. Queens have all the life experience of the suit, and use it to better themselves.

Kings: Kings represent the external ideals of their suit. Kings are stable, solid people who draw upon the various aspects of their suit to build things, lead, and improve upon the world around them. Kings and Queens are equally mature and self-actualized; Kings simply choose to manifest this energy outwardly, rather than inwardly.

On Gender and Tarot

Tarot tradition is saturated in gender. It’s inescapable. As someone who strives to create art that people of all genders can connect with, I found the prominence of binary gender within tarot difficult to reckon with.

Traditional tarot decks have a definitive idea of which traits are feminine and which traits are masculine. For example, the Empress represents the softer side of the feminine archetype. She is gentle, motherly, and tied to nature. She has a sensual sexuality. She is pure emotion. The High Priestess represents the darker aspects of the divine feminine archetype. She is hidden and patient. She is intuitive and otherworldly. She is a mystery. Together, the traits of the Empress and the High Priestess represent tarot’s idea of the feminine: a collection of women’s qualities as assigned by men.

Meanwhile, the Emperor, the father archetype, is ruled by logic. He is not afraid of conflict or taking a leadership role. He is hard, unemotional, and rational. He represents society in contrast to nature. The Magician, also a male archetype, channels what is abstract into the material world. He is a card of action, cultivating ‘magic’ in a direct path, in contrast to the High Priestess’s quiet magic of wisdom.

Over and over in tarot, this laundry list of feminine and masculine traits can be found in many different cards. Queens are feminine and therefore represent the internal aspects of the suit. Kings are masculine and therefore external, pushing the ideals of the suit outward onto others. The feminine ideal is patient wisdom; the masculine ideal is implementation and action.

What do we, especially those of us who are queer, do with this? Well, it turns out the answer has been in tarot the whole damn time; I was just interpreting things too literally to see it. The goal of most tarot practitioners and designers is balance: the balance of work, of spirituality, of emotions, of material things. Tarot wants us all to be in balance, and gender is one of the symbolic elements it uses to talk about that. So, when reading this book and using this deck, please keep the following in mind: when I say ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’, I mean a set of traits that have been assigned as masculine or feminine in the tradition of tarot. When I say ‘man’ or ‘woman’, I am referring to the gender of the character in the card: I am not referring to their biological sex as determined by genitalia. Do not assume, because a character has a clearly defined gender, that they are cis. In this deck, gender is fluid. If gender matters symbolically to the meaning of the card, I have retained the gender expressed in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. If gender doesn’t matter to the symbolic meaning of the card, I may have changed it, or removed any gender cues.

Your tarot readings want you to find balance. You are right to identify with gendered traits in tarot that are not in alignment with your personal gender identity. You are right to seek harmony in these traits, and/or in gender itself, if that feels right to you. Tarot is genderfluid, so let’s read it that way.

Written and illustrated by Grace Duong

Tarot birth cards act as guides and can provide sense to central themes that may occur on your personal path during your lifetime. Similar to astrology and numerology where you have certain placements like zodiac signs, characteristics found within your Tarot birth cards can indicate personality traits that you have in common with your cards. This can also indicate your strengths, weaknesses, potential, and challenges explained through learning more about your Tarot birth cards.

If you scroll down, you can read how you can calculate your Tarot birth cards yourself. If you’d rather just have us calculate it for you, we’ve got you! Above is our Mystic Mondays Tarot Birth Card calculator for accessing your Tarot birth cards and the meanings behind the cards.

What is a Tarot birth card?

Tarot birth cards are a combination of two to three Major Arcana cards that outlines your core identity and approach to life.  There are twelve pairings, similar to twelve astrology zodiac signs! Star signs often have fixed elements associated with their sign, paving the way to understanding one’s personality and purpose in life. Tarot birth cards are calculated based on your birth date and use numerology as the basis of how to calculate your Tarot birth card pairing.

For example, if The Magician is one of your birth cards, you can learn how to be resourceful and how to harness your natural gifts to take physical form. If the Lovers is one of your birth cards, you can learn how to make choices that are aligned with your personal values in relationships, including yourself.

You can calculate your Tarot birth cards using simple math with only using addition! Or you can use our Tarot Birth Card calculator to get right to the good stuff.

While having two Tarot birth cards are the most common, there is one pairing that has three cards. How many cards you have within your pairing doesn’t matter as your Tarot birth cards can pass along valuable information and bring greater self-awareness and understanding for your life’s journey. What matters most is what you do with this information!

There are multiple ways to calculate your Tarot birth cards based on your birthdate. Here are some ways you could do it:

  1. Add all the numbers into pairings based on month, date, year. Add up all the numbers. Keep adding the numbers until it creates one single digit number.
  2. Add up all the numbers in your birthdate one by one until it creates one single digit number.

It doesn’t matter how you do it because it all calculates to the same result!

Understanding the cards in your birth card pairing individually can help you interpret the cards energies as a whole. There is value in understanding how each card impacts you, but also what messages the cards have when paired together to help guide you on your life path.

Understanding Your Tarot Birth Card Pairing

The Tarot birth cards only apply within the Major Arcana cards, however numerology plays an important role in determining its effect on which numbered Minor Arcana cards carry the essence of what lessons can be learned and harnessed through your lifetime as well.

Using the most reduced number of your date of birth, you’ll find your Tarot Birth Card that describes your personality, soul, how the Minor Arcana cards relate to your Tarot birth cards, and much more. You’ll also learn how astrology and numerology play into the energy of your Tarot birth cards. This advanced information is located in an in-depth report. View our reports library here.

The Major Arcana cards are numbered 0 to 21 and represent life lessons, karmic influences, and impactful themes represented through the archetypes of each Major Arcana card. The Major Arcana cards that are part of your Tarot birth card pairing can reveal life lessons and give you guidance as you encounter central life themes.



How to Calculate Your Tarot Birth Cards

While our Tarot birth cards calculator at the top of this page can easily generate your birth cards for you, we get if you’d like to do it yourself!

If the sum of the numbers is a two-digit number, add the two digits together and continue reducing it until it becomes a single digit number. This is how you use numerology calculations to get the result of your Tarot birth cards.

By doing this calculation, you’ll often find The Major Arcana card with the two-digit numbers, so Major Arcana cards between 10 to 21. That number correlated with that Major Arcana card will be your first birth card. To find your second birth card, continue the calculation by reducing the two-digit number to a single digit by adding the two digits together. Sometimes when you are doing the calculations, you will find the single digit card first. It depends on how you calculate it!

Start by breaking your birthday into four two-digit numbers following this formula: MM + DD + YY + YY


If you were born on 03/16/1989, your equation would be: 03 + 16 + 19 + 89

0 + 3 = 3

1 + 6 = 7

1 + 9 = 10 which reduces to 1 + 0 = 1

8 + 9 = 17 which reduces to 1 + 7 = 8

This breaks down into 3 + 7 + 1 + 8 = 19

19 reduces to 1 + 9 = 10

1 + 0 = 1

This result calculates to The Magician, Wheel of Fortune, and Sun Tarot Birth Cards. This card pairing is three cards instead of two because 19 reduces to another two-digit number, then down to a single digit number (1 + 9 = 10, and 1 + 0 = 1). In this case, your Tarot birth cards are The Sun (19), The Wheel (10), and The Magician (1).


Another way you can calculate your Tarot birth cards is to add each individual number up together.

09/18/1967  = 0 + 9 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 7 = 41

4 + 1 = 5

Numerology wise, you can also see 41 as 14 which correlates to the Temperance card as they both add up to 5.

Here’s how to calculate it using the MM + DD + YY + YY example.

0 + 9 = 9

1 + 8 = 9

1 + 9 = 10 which reduces to 1 + 0 = 1

6 + 7 = 13 which reduces to 1 + 3 = 4

9 + 9 + 1 + 4 = 23

2 + 3 = 5

(5) = The Hierophant Card
(14) = The Temperance Card

The results for this calculation are The Hierophant and Temperance Tarot Birth Cards.

How to work with your Tarot birth cards

Figuring out your birth cards is easy enough, but once you have them, what’s the next step?

Now that you know how to figure out what your birth cards are, you can start to learn more about them and apply the cards and their wisdom into your life!

Explore the card meanings as there’s many layers to discovering the cards and how you can apply their knowledge for greater self-awareness. You can look at what the cards mean individually and the power of how to use that card’s energy in your life as a guiding force. When used together, the cards can bring more meaning and understanding for how to approach life’s challenges, unlocking your natural gifts and talents, and the central themes you’ll encounter over and over again throughout your life’s journey.

You can identify with your cards and reflect on how they resonate with you and your current life experiences to date.

Reflect on the following:

  1. How do I relate to my cards?
  2. Do I identify and see myself in these cards?
  3. What meanings resonate the most and what part of these interpretations of the cards do I most relate to?
  4. What are the similarities between my Tarot birth cards? What are the differences?

If you want to learn more, check out our in-depth reports about your Tarot birth card pairing and how you can utilize its energy to the fullest.

Look for Your Tarot Birth Cards in Readings

Once you find your Tarot birth cards, you are forming a special relationship to those cards. When they appear in a reading, it often has even more significance for you than any other card!

Your Tarot birth cards appearing in a reading can indicate a turning point or a major life occurence that is present and about to occur! Notice what is going on in your life during that time and keep an eye out for synchronicities of the themes that your Tarot birth cards represent.

This can take the form of symbolism, imagery, and other ways your Tarot birth cards may be communicating with you in your waking life. Take this as a sign from the Tarot that you are well on your way and are guided through your life path!


Tarot Birth Card Meanings: The Magician and The Wheel of Fortune

Your path is all about personal power

Your Tarot birth cards are special guides meant to help you find your way. Based on your birth date, these cards carry messages of encouragement and reminders to help you stay on track.

The Magician and The Wheel of Fortune are united by themes of personal power, so if you have this pair in your Tarot birth card lineup, you have a special opportunity to explore those themes and make them your own.

Action, Manifestation, Change
Gifts: Flexibility, Creativity, Resourcefulness
Challenges: Self-blame, Apathy, Self-aggrandizement
Advice: Remember that “this too shall pass.” Follow your curiosity. Be there for others in their times of need.

Interpreting The Magician (#1) and The Wheel of Fortune (#10) Birth Cards

The Magician is a card of action, transformation, intelligence, and manifestation. In the most commonly recognized version of this card, a magician stands at a table that holds all the magical tools of the Tarot (a coin, a cup, a sword, and a wand). The infinity symbol above the magician’s head evokes an eternal connection between life and spirit and an uncanny ability to sense the best path forward. His right hand points to the heavens while his left hand points to earth, indicating a person who can manifest their desires while still following their divine nature. The magician’s belt is created by a snake biting its own tail, representing wholeness. The figure on this card has everything at his disposal. He is powerful in the sense that he can make things happen and bring nonexistent things into existence.

The Wheel of Fortune, on the other hand, reminds us of the limits of personal power. An otherworldly collection of creatures populates this card. At the center is a wheel marking compass points, but what do wheels do? They turn. What’s up one day is down the next. This card shows that no matter our resources and skills, there are some elements of life that we can neither predict nor control.

Together, The Magician and The Wheel of Fortune Tarot birth cards ask you to merge these two truths: you can’t do everything, and also, the things you can do still have meaning.

The gifts of The Magician and the Wheel of Fortune

Each set of Tarot birth cards suggests certain talents and natural abilities. Here are a few associated with The Magician and The Wheel of Fortune:

  1. Flexibility As someone with The Wheel of Fortune in your corner, you may have a stronger ability to adapt than most. You know that things can change at the drop of a hat, and when they do, you know you can pivot to make the best of things.
  2. Creativity Your connection with The Magician gives you an unparalleled ability to conjure and create. You may be the sort of person who comes up with original ideas from out of nowhere or who can execute complicated plans without breaking a sweat. In large part, this talent is rooted in a willingness to try unfamiliar things and just see what happens. Not all of your projects will pan out, but that’s okay! Every new undertaking can teach you something valuable.
  3. Resourcefulness You’re no one-trick pony! This birth card pairing suggests a knack for solving problems in innovative ways. While some people tend to rely on their wits, their patience, their work ethic, their networking skills, their charm, or their will power, you’re happy to utilize all these strengths and more. If one tactic doesn’t work, you’ll try another. Figuring out the best approach is half the fun!

The challenges of The Magician and The Wheel of Fortune

Alongside the gifts, your Tarot birth cards can indicate some particular obstacles. Here’s what to look out for as you get to know The Magician and The Wheel of Fortune:

  1. Self-blame When you’re under The Magician’s spell, you may think you can do anything you set your mind to, and if things go badly, it’s easy to assume it’s all your fault. You might beat yourself up, thinking that if only you had worked harder, started sooner, or been smarter, you could have avoided this outcome. However, that’s often not the case. There are just too many unknown factors and forces influencing each moment — you can’t possibly prepare for all of them. Learning where your accountability begins and ends is a major undertaking.
  2. Apathy The Wheel of Fortune reveals how much is out of your hands. This information might cause you to wonder, “What’s the point? Nothing I do can make a difference anyway.” This is a tempting worldview, but it’s incomplete. The Magician is a counterbalance against such thinking. Your task is to remember your own power in the context of an uncertain world – and to use it wisely.
  3. Self-aggrandizement The Magician’s influence in your Tarot birth cards could cause you to see yourself as more important than the people around you. You can be confident in your abilities and determined to prove yourself without promoting yourself as superior to all others. Even as you take claim of your story, recognize that others are more than just supporting characters. Working as equals will allow you to find greater success.

How to work with The Magician and The Wheel of Fortune

  1. Remember that “this too shall pass. ”Every phase of your life — good, bad, or neutral — has an expiration date. Cultivating your awareness of this truth will help you appreciate the beauty of the present. When you get too bogged down in the belief that what you’re experiencing right now will last forever, you can lose perspective. As you walk the path of The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician, it’s essential to challenge that assumption and cherish the fleeting nature of each moment.
  2. Follow your curiosity. Do you know that old expression, “jack of all trades, master of none”? It’s often used as an insult, saying that a certain person is decent at a lot of things but not truly great at anything. However, a fuller version of the phrase goes like this: “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” In other words, it pays to be well-rounded! You don’t have to become the ultimate master at any of your talents. Instead, notice what catches your interest. Pursue a certain hobby without needing to make it a lifelong pursuit, and if something else cool comes along, follow that instinct, too! Whatever fascinates you is worth investigating, even if only for a short time.
  3. Be there for others in their times of need. To counteract your tendency toward self-obsession, it’s wise to support those around you. Notice how your friends, family, and acquaintances are doing. If they’re struggling, offer them a listening ear. If they’re stressed, offer to lighten the load. Your abundant talents aren’t just meant to help you — they can also be of service to those you love.

Tarot Guide

Always ask for the presence of your guides as you begin. They want to assist you, but you need to ask them.

Take a good look at the information on the card, images, colors, words, etc.

Listen for guidance but also use the book.  Take from it what you think appropriate regarding your question and journal it and whatever information may come.  It seems to add energy to the process when you see it written down.

Here are some of the general questions I ask when using the cards.  You can make them more specific, but these are a good starting point.

  • What do you want me to know about _____________________?
  • What assistance can you give me regarding____________________?
  • Where is this going?
  • Give me more information about_______.
  • Tell me about the subject/issue of ________________.
  • What do you want me to know about _______? or Tell me what I need to know.
  • What’s happening?
  • Give me insight into a solution for __________.

Tapping into sources that deepen our intuition and connection with Spirit is so essential right now.  The more you use the cards the more comfortable you will become with them and the deeper the insights you will receive. Try asking a simple question at the start of the day such as—“What does Spirit want me to know today?” or “What do I need today?” “How can I open my heart (to…) more fully today?”  Sometimes just asking a question and drawing one card will give you the foundation and connection for a more insightful day.  You might ask for the presence of your guides throughout your day and listen with your heart, they are there for you.

Mixing the cards is a sort of ritual preparation to give our unconscious mind time to vibrate more and more deeply in harmony with the particular situations or questions we wish to present the Tarot. When laying out the cards you should take time to deepen your contact with yourself and the cards.

Hold the cards in your hands and close your eyes for a while. Take a few deep breaths, using each outgoing breath to exhale tension and relax yourself more deeply. For a moment, let go of everything which has occupied your mind until now. Then let your attention return to the question or situation you would like to clarify with the help of the cards. Open your eyes and mix the cards. You can use this activity to help yourself relax and come into contact with your subconscious.

Mix the cards and set them in front of you in two piles. The pile at your left represents your passive, receptive aspect and the one at your right represents the active outgoing, active one.

Mix the left-hand pile again. Lay the top card in position 2 (left) and the bottom card in position 3 (right).

Mix the right-hand pile and lay the top card in position 1 (top) and the bottom card n position 4 (bottom).

Begin with the card in position 1, turn the cards over and look at them.

  1. Shows the actual theme which is really of the concern to you at the moment. What is really going on? What is the basic question?
  2. Shows what you are receptive and open to. Which people, energies and events are you attracting?
  3. Shows what you are expressing and showing of yourself outwardly. What is my effect on others? How do I influence others? How do I influence my environment?
  4. Shows the answer, the key. It points a way in which to overcome the problem actively or suggests a way around or out of it. Negative cards in this position indicate the possible end of a negative condition or attitude.

Purify & Refresh: How to Best Cleanse Your Tarot Cards

intuition psychic Aug 02, 2023

Tarot cards are a divination tool and an extension of your energy that needs clearing occasionally.  Everything holds energy, and this is especially true for the cards as they are constantly reflecting, amplifying, and mirroring energy. If you’ve felt something is “off” or your readings don’t feel clear, it’s a good time to try a ritual. You’ll want to also develop o quick personal practice of regularly clearing your cards before each reading. When I get a new deck for the first time, I have a more elaborate ritual, but clearing can be quick, practical, and effective.

Why should you cleanse your tarot cards?

Have you ever noticed that when you tidy up your space, it can give you an instant mood boost? Consider how restful and calming it feels to clean your bedroom, take a bath, and sleep on fresh sheets. This is because your space is an extension of your energy. If you are sensitive to energy, which if you’re reading tarot, you most likely are, you’ll feel that.

When you clear your cards, you’re clearing away old, stagnant energy or energy that is not relevant. This allows you to energetically put your intention into them. Your tarot cards will be more accurate, clear, and precise when you clear and cleanse the energy. This will also help you build a more reliable practice and trust in yourself and the tarot, which is especially helpful if you’re a beginner.

How often should you cleanse them?

With all intuitive practices, it’s best to go with how you feel. Over time you’ll develop a sense of how and when you’d like to cleanse your cards. Generally, it’s a good idea to cleanse them between each reading. You might even decide to clear them between each question. If you’re reading tarot someplace new or at events, it can benefit you to clear your cards of the day’s energy. The more energy you’re connecting to, the more clearing can benefit you. The busiest place I’ve read Tarot is in Salem, Massachusetts, in the month of October. The energy there is wild. After each shift, I’d take my cards home and give them and myself a thorough cleansing.

The Best Ways to Cleanse Your Tarot Cards


Burning herbs to clear energy and cleanse the air is an ancient practice. Certain herbs, when burned, have an antibacterial and antimicrobial effect. You can also use incense. Choose some dried herbs or grow your own and dry them out. You can bundle the herbs into a wand for clearing. I like to pull off a single leaf and place it in a fire-safe bowl or shell. My favorite herbs for cleansing are rosemary, lavender, and mugwort. Once you light your herbs, let the flame go out and wave the smoke below your deck. Have an open window nearby to wave out the smoke and energy you’re clearing.


Clearing doesn’t have to be complicated and time-consuming. Shuffling gives your cards a nice reset. You’ll always want to use some kind of shuffling method before readings. I like using a good riffle shuffle between readings. With this method, you cut the deck in half and hold each half with your fingers securing the bottom and thumbs on top. Then, you bend the cards to create some pressure and let the cards fall quickly, fanning together. As with any clearing method, your intention makes all the difference. As you shuffle the cards and hear them slapping together, infuse them with your intention to clear into the deck.


Knocking is a simple and quick method to help you cleanse your cards between readings. Hold your deck in your non-dominant hand. Then, knock on the deck three times with your dominant hand. You’ll want to have the intention of clearing negative energy away from your cards when you do this. Knocking three times is a common preference because three is a magical number. As with any ritual, you can make this your own. I use this knocking method between readings when I feel drawn to do it.


Crystals are a wonderful way to use the elements to clear your deck. I like to keep my deck surrounded by crystals and sometimes bring it home and place it on my altar on top of a piece of selenite. To clear your deck try leaving it overnight with a crystal on top of it. You might also decide to create a crystal grid to place your deck in the center of. Another method is to place your deck in a bowl and surround it with crystals overnight.

I like using selenite, quartz, smokey quartz, and obsidian. Some other crystals for clearing energy are: Amber, Amethyst, Garnet, Hematite, Labradorite, Lapis, Malachite, Obsidian, Opal, Shungite, Smokey Quartz, Selenite, and Tourmaline. To learn more about which crystals to use, check out Crystal Basics The Energetic, Healing and Spiritual Power of 200 Gemstones by Nicholas Pearson and The Pocket Book of Stones Who They Are and What They Teach by Robert Simmons.

Flower Petals

This is how I welcome a new deck and infuse it with my energy. This ritual is more time-consuming, but if it appeals to you, it could be a lovely way to connect with you cards. I use a combination of dried flowers that have been sitting on my altar and other petals I have for rituals. Rose petals are a nice choice; make sure they are completely dry. You can also use any dried herbs you have. Place your cards inside a container and surround them with the petals. Imagine the flowers absorbing any foreign energy from your deck. State your intention to clear and bless the cards.


Salt is an ancient way to cleanse energy. Submerging your cards or burying them in salt is risky, though, so I don’t recommend that. Even if you wrap them tightly, there’s a chance they could be damaged, and I don’t believe it’s necessary. Instead, take a small bowl filled with sea salt and place it on your altar. Place your tarot deck in the bowl and leave it for one hour or as long as overnight. You could place a crystal on two on top of the cards as long as they won’t become damaged if they come in contact with the salt. You’ll also want to use this practice when it’s low humidity or in a very dry place.

Full Moon Bath

You may have heard that the full moon is a time of amplified energy. There is science to back this up, the mass spawning of corals on the great barrier reefs is timed perfectly to the full moon. Birds and insects rely on the moon for migration and navigation. Humans experience heightened emotions from the moon’s gravitational pull. Think of bathing your tarot deck in the light of the full moon as a way to infuse it will new energy and clear away the old. Just as you might choose to charge your crystals under the full moon. Leave your tarot deck in a cloth or bowl in front of a window on or around the full moon. Set your intention to let go of any energy that’s not serving you or your deck and let the cards soak up some lunar magic.


The sun is a powerful way to cleanse and clear. The act of bringing things into the light is powerful. The sun is pure fire energy. Leave your cards in a sunny spot and let them absorb the rays. You might begin a ritual of taking your cards outside if this way of clearing appeals to you. Lay a blanket out and spread out your cards to reflect the sun. Ten minutes is all you need for this ritual. State your intention to clear through the power of the sun. It will be energizing to you as well!


Meditate to clear your mind and your tarot deck. Take a few deep breaths to clear your mind and energy. Holding your cards visualize your inner light building within you with every breath. As you inhale and exhale, this light becomes brighter. Now imagine the light gathering in your hands. Imagine surrounding your cards with light that is clearing, cleansing, and purifying. You might make a motion of “dusting off” your cards as you remove any negative energy they hold. Hold the cards in the light for a few minutes or until you feel they are cleared.

Blessing the Cards

Writing a blessing, prayer, or intention for your cards is a magical practice. To do this, consider how you feel about your cards and your practice. How do you want to feel in the future? What divine source would you like to call on or call in? This could be ancestors, guides, the universe, or angels. Use whichever terms resonate with you. What energy do you want the cards to let go of? What energy do you want to infuse the cards with? Then end your blessing by thanking spirit or any way that feels natural for you.

Your intention could sound like: Dear spirit, ancestors, and guides, help me to maintain clarity, truth, and resonance with my practice. Help me clear the cards of any negative energy they hold and infuse them with light and love. Thank you, spirit, and so it is.

Good Times to Cleanse Your Cards

New Moon

The new moon is the first phase of the lunar cycle. This is a time of new beginnings and the perfect time to set intentions. Think of planting the seeds you want to grow throughout the next lunar cycle. If you have goals relating to your tarot practice, you can set intentions around them. Sometimes resting during this new moon phase feels best, and you may want to create an altar or set intentions during the waxing crescent or a few days after the new moon. This time of rest and renewal is a natural time to clear your cards. You can start the lunar cycle with a fresh slate. Choose one of the rituals above and incorporate it into the week of the new moon.

After Traveling

I always clear my cards after traveling by plane. I typically pack a tarot deck in my carry-on. If you do this, be prepared to take them out at security. There is something about the way they appear on camera that always ends up getting flagged. This is especially true if your cards have metallic edges. Think about all the energy and people that you’ll be coming into contact with. When you arrive at your destination, you’ll want to clear your cards. Having a clearing ritual for yourself, like a salt or sugar scrub you travel with, can also boost you energetically.

When You’re Feeling Low

Of course, your health and well-being are the priority. So, if you don’t feel like you have the energy to add another ritual, don’t feel guilty about this. After I’ve had a bout of insomnia or a series of intense migraines, I’ll typically do a clearing ritual for my cards and my space. Rituals are best when they feel supportive of you. It needn’t be something you add to an already full plate. You might benefit from something energizing after a difficult day or week. Consider what appeals to you and makes you feel more connected to yourself.

After Events or House Parties

I find events and house parties equally parts energizing and draining. It feels invigorating to be in the energy of a group. At the same time, afterward, I need time to recover. I’ve worked at various events in churches, private homes, hotel rooms, and holistic centers. Most of the time, people are great to work with, but sometimes they are challenging, there’s alcohol consumption (against my advice), or emotions are running high. After an event, I know I’ve picked up a lot of energy, and holding space for a group requires strong, energetic boundaries. Think of your tarot cards in the same way. You’ll both feel clearer and more refreshed when you have a ritual to clear after this type of event.

Do I have to cleanse my tarot cards every time before using them?

You are the authority on your tarot practice, and ultimately you’ll know what’s best. I recommend having a simple ritual before each reading that includes setting your intention. I clear my cards by giving them a good riffle shuffle and knock on the deck. If I have a particularly heavy reading, I may want to create a transition and clear the energy. I’ll use smoke to clear the deck quickly. I also love to put my cards out on a full moon or new moon with some crystals. When it comes to your divination, practice, experiment, and do what feels right. Let your intuition guide you.

What would happen if I don’t ever cleanse my tarot cards?

Clearing your cards is all about intention. Practicing tarot without intention is like trying to read a book in the dark. Things are not as clear, but if you turn on the light, you could see so much easier! Intention gives you direction and the best possible outcomes for your reading. If you forget to set an intention or clear your cards, you might notice your readings are not as accurate. When you set a clear intention and begin with a fresh, energetic slate, you’ll notice that your intuitive impressions are more precise. There is power in your intention and rituals, and you affirm this by making it a regular part of your practice.

How to Care for Your Tarot Cards

  1. Use a Tarot Reading Cloth or Wrap

Tarot reading cloths can be beautiful, practical, and sacred. Especially if you read tarot in various places, a tarot cloth allows you to unwrap your deck and set it out on a clear, clean surface each time. There are no hard rules when it comes to how you choose to store your deck. If you’re a collector like me, chances are you have many decks in their original boxes and one or two working decks you use regularly.

I love the idea of a natural fabric or silk cloth. I used to keep my deck in a small canvas zipper pouch that was tie-died and had sacred symbols inked on it. To start with, it was similar to this one. I’ve since upgraded to a faux leather wrap that I picked up in Salem, Massachusetts. If you have holistic centers or metaphysical shops accessible to you, I recommend going in person and choosing something you like the feel of. 

  1. Shuffle Properly

Shuffling your cards properly is part of caring for them. You want to avoid damaging your cards so they’ll last. Take care of them so they take care of you. I love working with a well-loved, worn-in deck. There’s no need to keep your cards looking new, except that you’ll want to avoid tearing them. Once this happens, you won’t have a uniform look from the back of the cards, and this could affect your readings if you can always recognize a card by the back tear. Imagine playing cards with a deck, and the ace of diamonds has a tear; it’s not ideal.

  1. Cleaning Your Cards

This isn’t about energetic clearing. Sometimes spills happen. You want to take care to avoid this and treat your cards like you would your laptop or something else valuable that you wouldn’t take any chances with. Once your cards get wet, it can affect the way they shuffle and slide together. I once spilled a bottle of water in my bag and soaked my fountain tarot deck.

I had to lay each card out to dry for two days turning them. It was a while before they recovered, but I was too attached to let them go. I recommend avoiding eating while you’re around your cards and, as I learned the hard way, not putting them in the same bag as a drink or bottle of water. If you do need to wipe off your cards, you could try furniture wipes. These are a good choice because they are not too wet. You could also try baby wipes in a pinch, but dry them quickly with a paper towel.

  1. Dispose of Them Properly

Sometimes you might find that a deck has run its course with you, no longer resonates, or is damaged beyond repair. You don’t want to throw your tarot deck in the trash for ethical and emotional reasons. I recommend gifting a deck to a friend or giving it away via social media. You can also sell used decks on eBay. For a damaged deck, I would either bury it in the ground or burn the cards in a fire to get them a proper send-off.


Tarot is a sacred personal practice that’s all about your intention. Having a regular ritual or go-to clearing practice will enrich your experience. Clear cards and clear intentions lead to more accurate and precise readings. There are many ways to clear the energy of your cards. There are certain times when clearing feels more necessary than others. This needn’t be a chore but a joyful, restorative practice. As with all divination practices, let your intuition guide you toward what’s right for you.

To go deeper into tarot and expand your skills, Uncovering Intuition: The Course is a two-part, self-paced course guiding you through practical, inspiring exercises that’ll help unlock your inner wisdom so you can live with more power, truth, and intention.

The Wisdom of Tarot: 50 Good Questions to Ask Tarot Cards

psychic Jan 16, 2024

When you first begin to read tarot for yourself, it can feel overwhelming. Now that you’ve followed your calling or curiosity to pick up a tarot deck and start reading for yourself, it might feel exciting or like a huge responsibility. How do you know which questions to ask? What if you get a response that’s negative or confusing? The cards will make themselves known to you, and when you ask questions, you’ll receive answers. Sometimes, the answers can challenge your understanding, disappoint you, and leave you feeling more lost. The quality of your questions will dictate the quality of your answers.

Why Asking Your Tarot Cards The Right Questions Matters

You want to ask questions that don’t engage your conscious mind to jump to an answer and instead engage your intuition to guide you. Yes or no questions can also be limiting. If you ask something too specific, you might limit the answers you can receive. It can be easy to get carried away and impose our will onto the cards, seeing only what we want to see. For example, asking your deck, “Is this person my soulmate?” might leave you feeling confused or tied to the answer you think you’re seeing. Instead, ask, “What is this relationship teaching me right now?” you’ll get clearer guidance and an answer that’s more likely to open your eyes to new possibilities. As a beginner, it’s important to start your journey with this in mind.

The tarot asks us to open ourselves and release attachments to specific outcomes. The more you can surrender, the clearer the messages. There will be times when you’ll be too close to a situation to read for yourself, and in these cases, I recommend getting a professional reading or taking a break from reading for yourself. The type of frustrated loop you can enter from asking the same questions, pulling the same cards, and trying to interpret messages over and over is not conducive to growth or healing.

Before diving in, I recommend first refreshing and purifying your tarot cards and then shuffling them thoroughly to ensure you start your reading session off in the best way.

Questions to Ask About Love

  1. How can I bring more love into my life?

We are all love at our core. Our life experiences, challenges, and circumstances can make feeling that love difficult at times. Love can be a state of awareness. It can mean loving and supportive relationships beyond romantic love and partnership. Bringing more love into your life might mean spiritual fulfillment or being in a state of flow. The cards you draw in answer to this question might point you in the direction of creativity, curiosity, or a need to rest. In a recent reading, I drew the seven of pentacles for a client who was feeling burned out. It was a clear message to take a step back from work. The next card, the three of cups, pointed to friendships that bring fulfillment and joy. She told me she was recently invited to join a group of old friends for a spiritual retreat, this was a clear message to say yes to that trip.

  1. What does the universe want me to know about how I am expanding my capacity to love?

You have unlimited capacity to love. Love is an infinite resource, and you don’t need to chase or bargain for it. On your spiritual journey, you might constantly be expanding your capacity to love. Often, the most heartbreaking situations can expand our capacity. As Rumi says, “The wound is where the light enters.” In a client reading, the cards that came up in answer to this question were the five of wands and the three of swords. The client was navigating a difficult relationship with her teenage daughter. The struggle she experienced with her daughter was stretching her heart in new ways. For everything painful we go through, we expand our capacity to love.

  1. What is a sign that I am in the most loving state possible? 

When you are in a loving state, you might feel free, expansive, and unlimited. It’s common for us to question the love we are feeling. Sometimes, it seems as though we are constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. Remember that feeling joy is also part of doing the work. This question can be answered in many ways. You might experience a feeling, or perhaps there is a more tangible sign or synchronicity that points you in the right direction. I have a client who was in the process of moving to another country and changing careers. I pulled the page of pentacles and saw a vision of her spending time in nature. The deck I was using had a tiny hawk in the foreground, and I mentioned it to her. She told me she’d been experiencing hawk sightings. At first, she questioned the sightings, but over time, they seemed to correspond with her choices, like a gentle nudge or encouragement from the Universe at every turn. Sometimes, the tarot can be quite literal!

  1. What blocks or challenges am I overcoming in my journey to experience more love? 

When we feel blocked, it’s usually because there is something that we are unable or unwilling to look at. Asking your tarot cards to show you blocks and challenges can unlock a perspective shift. Pointing to an area of your life where you have the potential to grow can help you move forward. When you ask this question, assume something will be revealed to you; it’s often an “ah-ha moment.” I pulled the ten of swords for myself when I asked this question and heard “release.” I am learning to release control. As it applies to my life as the mother of two teenage boys I constantly worry over, it made perfect sense.

  1. When it comes to love, what is my greatest superpower? 

Often, the thing we think is lacking can be our greatest asset. I read for a client who asked this question, and I pulled the Page of Cups. I instantly knew the message and asked her if she felt she was “too sensitive” and asked her if there was now someone in her life who wanted her to show more emotion. She explained that as a child, she often felt she had to hide emotions and pretend to be happy to feel like she belonged. In her current relationship, she felt pressured by her partner to open up more and be vulnerable but was hesitant to be seen as overly emotional. She ultimately decided to take the risk and share her feelings with her partner. I could see the relief wash over her as she decided to give herself permission to be herself.

Questions to Ask About Life

  1. What are the next steps I can take to align with my life purpose? 

Our purpose is not to do or be one thing. Our purpose is to be ourselves, fully and freely, as much as possible while we are here. Thinking about your life purpose can be overwhelming. When you ask this question, consider how you might discover a deeper meaning in your life. Remember that the answers might not always make sense to you at first. Asking for the next steps in your journey rather than the final destination can help keep things in perspective.

  1. In the story of my life, what adventure can I write into it? 

This is a great question to ask when you’ve been feeling restless or bored. Those feelings could be your intuition nudging you to break out of familiar patterns and experience something new. Let the cards inspire or guide you toward adventure. This doesn’t have to mean turning your life upside down. Small changes like exploring a new hobby, interest, or curiosity can break through blocks and help rebalance you.

  1. What is my soul experiencing at this point in my life’s journey?

Your soul holds all the wisdom of everyone you’ve ever been and everyone you’ll ever be. Your soul is here to guide you through this life and help you realize your potential. Pay attention to any cards you draw when asking this question. If your soul feels out of alignment with what’s happening in your life, that is powerful information. From there, you can create changes that support you.

  1. What does the spirit world want me to know about the story of my life?  

I don’t believe the future is set in stone. I do believe there are themes, challenges, and potentials for us to experience. When I’m reading for a client, I have the perspective of being able to zoom out on the story of their life. This can give valuable perspective. Things that seem so important now may be inconsequential to your overall journey. This question can help highlight what you may be missing about the bigger picture.

  1. What lessons am I here to learn? 

Looking at life’s challenges can be an empowering way to view your journey and struggles. I don’t believe that every trauma “happens for a reason.” Sometimes terrible things happen, and we don’t have an explanation. However, I do believe we come to this life with a set of challenges to overcome. We have free will along the way. Thinking about what you’ve overcome in the past can give you a clue as to what some of your obstacles may be. When you go through something difficult and are able to see your growth and progress, it can build your confidence and self of self worth.

Questions to Ask for Beginners

  1. Where should focus my intention today?

This is a great question to incorporate into your morning routine, especially if you pull one or two cards to start your day. Your intention is the greatest thing you have in creating changes in your life. What you choose to focus on will grow and affect how you experience the world. Intentions can shift your focus and change your thoughts. Your thoughts can change your emotions and behaviors. Sometimes, we can be unaware of what intention and focus would serve us best. Sy, for example, you’re feeling pressured to complete a creative project, and you have been focusing on being more disciplined. You might draw the three cups and feel inspired to lean into a collaboration, or you might draw The Hermit and decide that some solitary time will help your creative practice more than discipline.

  1. What lesson am I currently learning? 

Sometimes, life throws a lot at us, and we feel like we’re constantly bouncing from one challenge to the next. This question allows you to zoom out on your life. Take a temperature of what your current challenges are teaching you. I remember a time I was feeling so trapped in my situation and asked the spirit world and my tarot deck for guidance on what I could do differently. I pulled the two of swords and the eight of swords. I heard, “Make a choice. You’re not really trapped.” This gave me a perspective shift I needed to move forward without all the answers. Sometimes, making a decision (any decision) is the most empowering thing we can do.

  1. What do I need to know about my mind, body, and spirit? 

I love pulling three cards for this simple spread. Take a breath and clear your energy. Shuffle your deck and place three cards in front of you face up. The first card represents your mind, the next card represents your body, and the third card represents your spirit. This can give you insight into how your thoughts are affecting you. Your body isn’t only about health. It also represents the landscape of your emotions. Take note of any surprises or validations. Your spirit can represent your connection to the divine and your desires. If your soul is longing for something or feeling restricted by your circumstances, this will show up in the spirit card.

  1. What is affecting me most from my past, present, and future? 

This is similar to the mind, body, and spirit spread however, you’re pulling three cards for the past, present, and future instead. How we experience the world is greatly influenced by our past experiences and what we are currently going through. The past card can give you insight into what past experiences are influencing you. The present card might feel validating or surprising. It could illuminate things about the present you haven’t considered before. The future energy should be looked at strategically. For example, if you pull the tower at the beginning of the day, don’t despair. You might instead be prepared for any challenges or changes to your schedule. There have been times I’ve pulled the tower, and then my client doesn’t show up for a session, or a class ends up being canceled.

  1. How can I experience more magic in my everyday life? 

Magic is everywhere and all around us. The more we pay attention to it the more it will be a presence in our life. If you pull the page of pentacles, the message might be to spend more time in nature or allow yourself to be a beginner. The empress could show you that there is magic for you in creative practice or learning how to receive graciously. The ten of swords might show you that there is magic in release or self-forgiveness.

Questions to Ask About Your Career & Money

  1. What beliefs do I have about abundance that I’m ready to let go of?  

We all have beliefs about money and abundance that block us from receiving it. Especially spiritual folks or intuitive practitioners. It’s usually uncomfortable to ask for compensation for sharing our gifts. If you are reading this, you are not responsible for inventing money, and there is no moral reason to feel guilty about receiving more money for your work. In fact, an equal energy exchange will bring you peace and prosperity. If you feel resentful of your work, that’s usually a sign it’s time to ask for more. Once you realize what beliefs you have that are ready to be shed, you may feel lighter and more empowered.

  1. What skills do I possess that I’m not currently using?

Very few people utilize all their skills. In fact, most people experience some form of imposter syndrome at some point in their life. Usually, this is a sign that we care deeply about the work. This question can allow you to see what skills you possess that you’re not currently using. If you pull the two of pentacles, that could mean there is a chance to find a better balance in your work. Maybe you are meant to lead your team toward harmony and resolution or play the mediator. If you pull the six of wands, it could mean that you might do better taking the credit for your ideas, public speaking or stepping out of your comfort zone.

  1. What part of my work can I outsource to someone else or ask for support?

Asking for help or outsourcing the parts of our work that we dread can lead us to greater productivity. If you struggle with administrative tasks and pull the eight of pentacles, this could mean it’s time to invest in an assistant. You might be more effective and abundant by hiring someone to help you. If you’ve been doing things the same way for a long time and it’s not working, and you pull the six of swords, that could mean taking things in a new direction.

  1. Who or what can I call in for strength?

Mentorship can make all the difference in your career. If you have a mentor, are seeking one, or would like more guidance, this question can point you in the right direction. Sometimes, you might need to look inward, and you might pull the High Priestess or the Ace of Wands. Or, you might need to ask the Spirit World for their help. You are never truly alone. Learning to ask for help and accept support is a skill that will serve you.

  1. In which ways do I not see myself accurately? What is my professional superpower? 

Most of us do not see ourselves accurately. We tend to focus mostly on our flaws or challenges. This question will allow you to take a new perspective on the way you see yourself at work. Chances are other people admire things about you that you aren’t even aware of. Maybe you’re a great listener, an effective communicator, or a great support to others. Lean into your professional superpower.

Questions to Ask About Your Ex-Partner

  1. What did that past relationship teach me about myself?

Relationships are one of the greatest teachers we have in this lifetime. Sometimes, they are not always meant to last a lifetime. With every relationship, good or bad, we learn something about ourselves that we can use to improve our future relationships. Even learning about what you don’t want or won’t tolerate is a lesson. I’ve had relationships that taught me about boundaries, friendship, and loyalty. It’s not always comfortable, but it’s an essential part of our journey.

  1. What did my past relationship teach me about love?

Love is a word that means different things to different people. I like M Scott Peck’s definition of love as it is referenced and explained in “All About Love: New Visions” by Bell Hooks.

“The idea that we choose to act in love strongly supports the belief that love is an action and that it is not always instinctual or restful. I believe it is a dedication requiring us to show up fully even when it is hard, and that justice and truth need to be part of the equation.”

If love is an action, what does it mean to act in love? What did your last relationship teach you about the actions we take to be invested spiritually in another person?

  1. How can I support my heart as I move forward? 

Sometimes, moving on from a breakup, especially a recent one, can be heartbreaking. Asking what your heart needs and giving that to yourself is one of the most loving things you can do. This could be nurturing. You might pull the Ace of Cups, the Moon, or The Empress. Or, it might be movement and energy and you pull the Ace of Swords, The Sun, The Three of Pentacles.

  1. What do I still need to release when it comes to the past?

When you’re ready, you’ll want to reflect on past relationships and release anything that’s no longer serving you. This question can bring to light ways you may want to forgive yourself or others. It may point you towards letting go and moving forward without some of the emotional baggage we all carry from past relationships. This is especially true if you feel you’ve been wronged or regret your choices. This could mean forgiving yourself for what you weren’t ready to see at the time. You might draw The Devil, Seven of Cups, or Eight of Swords. If you pull a loving card like The Lovers, The Two of Cups, or Four of Wands, it could be that you need to release an attachment to the relationship. When you ask this question, be open to the answer, and try not to read into the cards in a way that rejects the question altogether. For example, asking this question and pulling The Two of Cups wouldn’t be interpreted as a sign to rekindle the relationship.

  1. What was nourishing and supportive about that partnership that I’d like to cultivate in the future? 

Even in the most toxic relationships there is some lesson to be learned about what we want. This could be the initial spark that drew you in. Perhaps the person made you feel seen and validated. You might have learned something valuable about yourself and your capacity to give. The Hermit could mean that you’ve learned that you value time spent alone in relationships as a way to renew. The Six of Swords could mean that you’ve learned how to stand up for yourself and take yourself out of a difficult situation.

Questions to Ask About Yourself

  1. What is a story I’m telling myself that’s disempowering? 

We are often unaware of the stories we tell ourselves. Our thoughts present us with false narratives, and our past experiences can dictate what we believe, and how we see ourselves can often be distorted. In a session, I asked this question for a client and drew the eight of Pentacles. My client was very devoted to her work and put a lot of pressure on herself. After seeing this card, I asked her if she felt that all her projects had to be perfect in order to be successful. What would happen if she allowed herself to show up and make mistakes? She reflected that she felt immense pressure since childhood to impress people. The way the tarot answers this question can allow you to reflect on how you see yourself and if it’s truly empowering you.

  1. What are your deepest desires?

Desires come from your soul and can be a road map towards living a freer life. I recently asked myself this question after the New Year and pulled the five of cups. At first, I felt confused because of the nature of the five of cups being that of a loss. Who would desire that? After reflecting on it the answer became clear. There were changes I was debating making that involved ending a professional relationship. I was afraid of the consequences of it and the loss I would feel, even though it was ultimately the best thing for me. Sometimes, our desire is to let go, even when it hurts.

  1. What does the spirit world want me to know about my unique gifts? 

We all come into this world with unique abilities—some we may not discover until later in life. Before becoming a professional psychic medium, I worked at a corporate job for almost twenty years. When I asked this question of my tarot deck, I pulled the King of Cups (love and compassion) and The Queen of Swords (perception and intellect). These opposing cards made sense to me. Love and compassion is what allows me to be successful in mediumship, and my analytical mind is what supports managing a business and has helped me in my past career. Sometimes, the Spirit World will want to point out your abilities that you’re not acknowledging for some reason. This message can be very timely.

  1. What is blocking you from going after what you want? 

Sometimes, we have unconscious blocks that affect our confidence and how we go after what we want. In a reading for a friend, I pulled two cards in answer to this question: the Three of Wands and Three of Cups. Immediately, I saw my friend’s three siblings surrounding them. They shared that they feel they have held themselves back from exploring certain creative abilities because, traditionally that had been the role of another person in their family. The three of wands pointed to what could be possible for them if they were willing to break out of the familiar pattern they were in and go for it. They admitted that they had an offer to collaborate with another artist and were procrastinating on getting back to them. This specific question and the cards drawn ended up answering a very important question that was heavy on their heart. Once they were aware of the block, they were able to see how they held themselves back.

  1. Which part of my life requires me to take a greater risk? 

Sometimes, taking a calculated risk is the only way to get what we most desire. Telling someone how you really feel, applying for a job, starting therapy, going on a date, or speaking up for yourself are a few risks that require a leap of faith. If you pull the Ace of Wands in answer to this question, it might point to taking more risks with your ideas and passions. If you pulled the High Priestess, it could mean paying greater attention to following what your intuition is telling you.

Questions to Ask About Your Crush

  1. What about this person draws me in? 

Webster’s dictionary defines a crush as an intense and usually passing infatuation. have a crush on someone. also: the object of infatuation. Usually, when we are infatuated with someone, there is a quality in them that we are reflecting on ourselves. We might project our ideas and feelings onto a person we barely know. Usually, this feeling is hard to ignore so it’s worth excavating. This question can tell you what quality that person possesses that you find so attractive. So, if you drew the eight of wands or the magician, it could be a certain magnetism or confidence. You might consider how you could build confidence in your own life by taking action towards your goals. Crushes are a natural part of life, and learning about your motivations can be empowering.

  1. How should I move forward in initiating this relationship? 

This is a great question to ask yourself if you want to move forward with meeting your crush or telling them how you feel. If you pull the King of Cups, you might decide to be honest, loving, and sincere. If you pull the seven of cups (delusion, denial, confusion), you might decide to wait until things become clearer before you proceed. Whatever the answer to this question follow your intuition. You are the ultimate source of knowing and power in your life.

  1. What am I missing in my life that I can give to myself? 

A crush can sometimes signify that we feel a lack of something in our everyday lives. This is a completely normal human experience, and having a crush is nothing to feel insecure about. If you feel a sense of lack in your life, you might want to ask your tarot deck this question to gain clarity. The three of cups could signify a longing for friendships and connection. The Moon could signify a lack of nurturing. Finding a way to give what you lack to yourself can be empowering.

  1. What is the energy around expressing my feelings? 

Depending on your situation, you might decide you want to express your feelings to your crush. This question looks at the future energy and potential of that decision. It can be very challenging to tune into something we desperately want, so I advise you to try and look at the answer to this question with as much un-attachment as possible. When we are attached to a certain outcome, it can be difficult to see things clearly. The cards you draw will guide you. For example, the four of swords would be an invitation to wait and see how things progress and to have patience. The page of cups could point to some naivety you possess in the situation. I once asked this question for a client and pulled The Chariot and The Fool. The message there was, “What are you waiting for? Take a leap of faith; say how you feel!”

  1. How will I know if my feelings are reciprocated? 

It’s vulnerable to imagine telling another person how we feel, especially when you consider that your feelings could be unrequited. This is a normal part of life, and unrequited feelings are something that everyone alive will experience, yet not everyone talks about it. If you find yourself in this situation, I’m sending you a gentle hug and a reminder that you are worthy and deserving of love just as you are. So when you ask this question of your deck, do so with open curiosity. The seven of swords may point out that you don’t have an accurate read on the situation or you’re not able to be honest with yourself right now. Alternatively, the Four of Pentacles may urge you to keep an open mind and stop trying to control the situation.

Questions to Ask About Relationships & Marriage

  1. What do I love about my partner that is also a challenge in our relationship? 

A common juxtaposition that we experience in close relationships is that the very thing that draws us to our partner can begin to annoy or trigger us over time. Someone that you were drawn to because of their outgoing personality might feel invasive or like “too much” when you’re feeling introverted. Someone whose intellect you admired in the beginning could make you feel insecure from time to time. You could worry that they don’t value your insights and ideas. Learning from each other in relationships is how we grow, and being triggered or annoyed by our closest relationships is normal. The answer to this question could point out a trigger to you that you may decide to hold with curiosity. Simply acknowledging this can bring more harmony into your relationship.

  1. What energy do I bring to the partnership most often?

I love this question for getting clear on our role in the relationship. Over time, our roles can change, and having self-awareness can lead to more intimacy and trust. When we take responsibility for what we bring to the table, we can be better communicators and more loving partners overall. I recently asked this question about my own relationship and pulled the Page of Swords. My wife and I have been doing a lot of strategizing and planning together in preparation for a new puppy we’re planning to bring home in a few weeks. This was a gentle reminder that our conversations have become very focused on that planning stage and leaving little room for anything else.

  1. What phase is this relationship growing into? 

Some of the best advice my therapist ever gave me was to surrender to the phase that a relationship is in. Rather than try to control the feelings and flow of energy, enjoy the quiet seasons or roll with the times of chaos and excitement. When we can see a relationship as a journey, it’s easier to surrender and see where things go. The Five of Pentacle could point to a relationship that’s headed into a stressful or anxious time. If you pull this card, you might think about what needs to be addressed. If you already know, you could be proactive in giving yourself love and seeking support.  The two of pentacles would signify a relationship that’s becoming more balanced and harmonious.

  1. What would allow me to best communicate with my partner? 

It takes time to learn what works best for communication in a relationship. When my wife and I have any time of argument or disagreement my instinct is to hurry up and finish the conversation and resolve things. I dislike the feeling of conflict or even possible conflict. Her communication style is that she becomes quiet and thoughtful, giving me space or seeking a solution. It took me a while to figure this out. In the beginning, I felt unsettled about her quiet and feared it meant she was withdrawing from the conversation altogether. The two of swords drawn in response to the question could be that you need to be more assertive and direct. The ten of cups might mean being more loving in your communication. The nine of wands would mean standing your ground and standing up for yourself.

  1. What is the past life connection we have together? 

Most clients I connect with believe in past lives. I believe we have a soul family that we travel together with over many lifetimes. If you feel a strong past-life connection to your partner, you could ask this question and see if the card or cards you draw validate that feeling. I asked this question of my tarot deck about my wife and I’s relationship while writing this article and pulled the Judgement card. My wife and I didn’t meet until we were in our forties and had gone through many life struggles and self-actualization before we met. I took this message as validation of that, feeling like we both had to overcome certain obstacles and become our true selves before we met another lifetime. As an experiment, I asked the same question about my ex and pulled the three of pentacles. I smiled at how this made perfect sense. We have always been great friends and worked so collaboratively together to raise our kids.

Questions to Ask About Friendship

  1. What has my friend come into my life to teach me? 

I have a friend who says, “Everything we are meant to experience comes into our life through a relationship or a situation.” I’ve found this to be true of all my friendships to a degree. Relationships are often our most powerful teachers. In a loving relationship, you might draw the King of Cups or the Empress. Perhaps the relationship is teaching you how to love and accept love. In more complicated relationships, The Queen of Cups could teach you about co-dependency and boundary setting.

  1. What qualities do I possess that support my friendship? 

In every relationship that we’re in, we bring something to it. You likely have qualities that your friend is drawn to that you may not even be aware of. I pulled the three of swords in response to this question with one of my closest friends. I was puzzled at first. The three of swords often represent a broken heart, and we have a very loving and supportive relationship. After considering it for a few moments, I realized that my friend and I had shared similar traumatic experiences in life. We are able to bond over and support each other in difficult times. This made sense.

  1. What am I learning in this relationship that will help me on my journey?

Of course, we don’t look at friendship as a means to get from one part of our journey to the other. We often care deeply about and love our friends, and they can be some of the most meaningful relationships we’ll have. However, sometimes a friendship is directly related to your life’s path and may teach you something valuable about your journey. Years ago I had a friendship that was deep and meaningful but consistently asked more of me than I could comfortably give. I never felt like I was doing enough for my friends and couldn’t give them what they needed. This friendship ended up teaching me about boundaries and how to be loyal to myself. I don’t think I’d be the friend or partner I am today without going through some of those difficult lessons.

  1. Where can I adjust the boundaries of my friendship? 

True friendships where we are able to connect deeply and bare our souls require us to set boundaries. For example, if your friend needs a loan, will you give it to them? Would you expect to be repaid? How about if they are going through a difficult time and need to speak on the phone several times a day? That might be okay for a while, but eventually, you might need to change the boundaries. What if your friend loses their home and needs somewhere to stay? These are all extreme examples that I’ve encountered in friendships. You might ask this question when you feel resentful of a friend and don’t know why. Perhaps you pull the hermit and decide you need a bit of space, or you draw the moon and feel that certain topics you’ve been discussing lately feel off-limits.

  1. How can I express a greater love and support for my friend? 

I believe love is a verb, something that we show up and give or small actions we take. When we love someone, we act in love. Everyone likes to express love and receive love in different ways. You might have heard of the five love languages: acts of service, physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, or receiving gifts. These are set in stone, but they are an example of the different ways we all like to show and receive love. Consider these love languages as a guide for interpreting the cards you draw if it’s not immediately obvious. You can also consider what areas of your friendship you feel called to express more love and ask a follow-up question: why do I feel this is difficult? Easy?

Questions to Ask About the Future

  1. What is the future energy around my home? 

When you ask this question, get clear with yourself about what it means to you and the timeline you’re asking about. Are you considering relocating? Do you live with family? If your family includes children or pets, that will affect the answer to this question. Having peace and harmony in my home greatly affects my sense of well-being; without it, I would struggle to do my work or hold space for other people. Right now, this question would involve a lot of moving parts for me. I have two almost adult children, and my wife and I are about to bring home a puppy. We are considering a move (possibly abroad) in the next few years. Her dream is to live in the UK, and I feel open to seeing what changes or adventures might occur. For this article, I drew two cards for this question, and was clear that I am asking about the next six months. I pulled the seven of pentacles (putting in hard work, time, and effort) and The High Priestess (trusting your intuition). These cards together signified to me that I should lean on my inner knowing and trust my instincts rather than try to control and coordinate everything over the next few months with a new puppy and two teenagers. I’m sure things are going to feel hectic.

  1. What is my soul longing to plan for a future adventure? 

I love this question, especially during times when you feel the call to travel, adventure, or try something new. Cards that mean travel could be the Chariot, the three of wands, eight of wands, or the World. If you think of your life as a journey, what adventure can you write into your story? I was reading for a client who shared that she was unsatisfied with her life even though she was financially successful and had the job of her dreams. We pulled the King of Cups and two of swords in response to this question. I asked her if she was struggling to make a choice when it came to love or matters of the heart, what was she most afraid to do? She shared that she was struggling with deciding to let her friends set her up on a date. When we discussed dating as an adventure, something that her soul was longing to experience that resonated with her and she felt more willing to give it a chance.

  1. In a year from now, what will I be glad I took a risk on? 

Zooming out on your life and taking a look at the bigger picture can be empowering. There will be small habits every day that you’ll be glad you stuck with. There may also be chances that you’ll thank yourself for. Taking a leap of faith can feel vulnerable, but it’s necessary for our growth. Most of what you have that you appreciate in your life was probably achieved because you took some risks. Sometimes, risks can feel big and exciting, and sometimes, they can pinpoint our inner feelings and the way we approach things. For example, the six of pentacles and six of swords could mean taking a new approach with family members. The king of wands and the Hermit could mean starting the spiritual business you’ve been dreaming of.

  1. In a year from now, what will I wish I spent more time doing? 

This question points to the habits and routines that support us in our everyday lives. This could be your morning routine, sleep habits, or self-care. It could also mean spending time with the people you love or doing things that make you feel alive. In a reading where I pull the Lovers in answer to this question, it could mean spending time working on balance in a relationship. The eight of swords could mean spending time working to manage anxiety or even starting and sticking with therapy. Judgment might mean pursuing a higher calling or learning about spiritual topics.

  1. What is the most empowering step I can take towards my future goals? 

Taking the first step toward our goals and aspirations can be overwhelming. This question can point to what is right now within your control. It can show you how you can begin. If your goal is to achieve more inner peace and harmony and you pull the Ace of Cups, you might take that as an invitation to be more present in your life and embrace new beginnings. If your goal is work-oriented and you pull the Queen of Wands, this means saying yes to more things that excite you, buying yourself some flowers, and embracing an abundance mindset.


Your tarot deck is an intuitive tool. Your cards are an extension of your energy, and the answers you divine will be a mirror of your life and circumstances. If you’re going through a particularly difficult time, it can be beneficial to take a break from reading for yourself. The tarot not only mirrors our energy, it can show us the way forward if we are willing to see it. There are always choices we can make that will elevate us. Remember that you are the ultimate authority in your life, and you have the power to make the most empowering decisions that serve you.

Sheryl Wagner – Author

Welcome, I’m so glad you are here. I’m Sheryl, a psychic medium, teacher, and author of the book Uncovering Intuition. I love writing about my experiences with the Spirit World and the magic of synchronicity. Learn more about how you can work with me.

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